10 Thoughts on “Questions?”

  • WHAT IS THE COST OF THE BOOK AND OTHER MATERIAL? QUESTION relates to the fact that am a pensioner with a fixed budget.

    • Hi Alan,
      We expect the cost of the book to be approximately $ 29.95 when it goes on sale August 20. The companion videos on the website are free.

  • Hi: Had a question about the level of math used in the book. Specifically, I’m interested in a mathematical formulation of decoherence ie an overview of how this process unfolds mathematically – at the level of an undergraduate physics major. Is this provided in the book? If not, can you suggest any references that address these?

    • Chapter 4 Discerning Approaches discusses in detail why decoherence is not a sufficient condition for resolving the quantum measurement problem. A more general overview of the mathematical formulation of decoherence can be found in “The quantum-to-classical transition and decoherence” by Maximilian Schlosshauer (see links below). Note that Schlosshauer also states in his concluding section that decoherence does not solve the measurement problem.


  • To who is this book mainly targeted for?
    I’m an 18 year doing my A levels (grade 12 / year 13) and I’ll be going to university next year.

    I absolutely love physics and ESPECIALLY Quantum Mechanics. I’ve been doing a lot of research on it recently like the concepts of the strange phenomenas in Quantum Mechanics.

    I think I have a good but very basic (rookie level) understanding of what Quantum Mechanics is, so is book also for someone like me? Or is it only for those people with advanced knowledge about it?

    • Hi Cassidy,

      Yes, you can benefit from this book at your level on a selective basis and more so as you advance further at university level. The exposition in The QMP book contains eight chapters, including problem sets, with dual tracks throughout the book that allow both those with a technical background in quantum physics or quantum information as well as less-technical readers to come up to speed on the quantum measurement problem, depending on their interests and background.

      Keep in mind that this book is meant to be a single resource that focusses on the quantum measurement problem. It is not a systematic course on quantum mechanics but it reviews those elements of quantum mechanics necessary to understand in detail how the measurement problem is defined and how to discern and evaluate various approaches to the measurement problem that have been proposed. The measurement problem is necessary for understanding how the reality of the observed properties of the world around us relates to the quantum domain.

      The key to appreciating the full message of the book is in Chapter 3 which uses quantum information methods for a constructive demonstration that unitary Schrödinger processes can be experimentally distinguished from measurement processes using well-established techniques such as Bell measurements, which would establish that measurement is a non-unitary process.

      A brief summary of the book chapters can be seen in the Executive Summary which can be found by clicking on the image of the book at theqmp.com. We also suggest that you look at the sample chapters available at theqmp.com to get a better idea of how you can benefit from the book.

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