New Approaches to the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Vadstena, Sweden; November 27-29, 2024

Organizers: Philip Goyal (SUNY Albany), Daniele Pizzocaro (UC Louvain), Harald Wiltsche (Linköping University)

Wednesday, November 27
9:45 Opening Address
10:05-11:00 Gregg Jaeger (Boston University): Ascertaining the Ontology of Quantum Field Theory
Morning fika
11:30-12:25 Daniele Pizzocaro (UC Louvain): A phenomenological ontology for the atomic electron in Heisenberg’s matrix mechanics
Lunch buffet
13:30-14:25 Thijs Latten (TU Delft): From Practice to Theory: On the Role of Quantum Technology in the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
14:30-15:25 Jan-Åke Larsson (Linköping University): Qubits, completeness, and contextuality: A new approach to foundations of quantum information
Afternoon fika and check-in
16:30-17:25 Mauricio Suárez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): Henry Margenau’s “Latency” School
Dinner, 18.30

Thursday, November 28

9:00-9:55 Paavo Pylkkänen (University of Helsinki): TBA
Morning fika
10:15-11:10 Philip Goyal (SUNY Albany): Towards a rich metaphysical conception of quantum reality
11:15-12:10 Small group Discussions
Lunch buffet
13:30-14:25 Federico Laudisa (University of Trento): Metaphysics as modeling and the art of interpreting quantum mechanics
14:30-15:25 Jonte Hance (Newcastle University): Back Action causes the Difference between Classical and Quantum Counterfactual Effects
Afternoon fika
16:30-17:25 George Webster (University of Oxford): QBism and Hegel: Mutual Recognition in the Philosophy of Physics
17:30-18.25 Almut Beige (University of Leeds): Increasing wave particle duality
Dinner, 19.00

Friday, November 29
Breakfast, 7-9
9:00-9:55 Gemma De le Coves (ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Quantum Theory: Ideals, Infinities and Pluarilities
Morning fika
10:15-11:10 Avi Levy & Meir Hemmo (University of Haifa): Locality, Determinism and Probability in Relativistic Quantum Theories
11:15-12:10 Mauro Dorato (Università Roma Tre): Bohr’s solution to the conflict between the distinction and the nonseparability thesis
Lunch buffet
13:30-14:25 Small group discussions
14:30-15:25 Plenum round-up

The workshop, generously supported by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and the Division for Philosophy and Applied Ethics at Linköping University, will take place at Vadstena Monastery, originally built in 1346, by the shores of Vättern, Sweden’s second-largest lake.

A small number of vacant spots is available for those wishing to attend as guests. If you are interested, or have any other queries, please write to:  

Kind regards,

Philip Goyal (University at Albany)
Daniele Pizzocaro (UC Lovain)
Harald Wiltsche (Linköping University)

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