Schrodinger’s Dream T-Shirt by theQMP
Available in various sizes, colors, and styles. Here we have someone evolving deterministically according to Schrodinger’s equation who is dreaming that he/she has the additional power of measurement.

Quantum Schrodinger Cat Superposition T-Shirt by theQMP*
Available in various sizes, colors, and styles. This shirt will make you the toast of the party. Also it is highly recommended apparel when you are attending a class on quantum mechanics. While you’re at it, feel free to ask your professor to explain to the class the details of the quantum measurement problem.

Schrodinger Cat Candle by theQMP*
We strongly recommend lighting this candle either if your lights go out and/or while reading “The Quantum Measurement Problem”. Available in three sizes.

Schrodinger Cat Mug by theQMP*
Schrodinger Cat Superposition Mug. This mug is highly recommended to drink from while reading “The Quantum Measurement Problem”. Make sure to fill it up with the strongest coffee you can brew. Available in several sizes, colors, and styles.

Keychain by theQMP* Are you someone who loses your keys often and can’t find any logical or physical reason for how they disappeared? And now at long last, after reading our book you finally understand the real reason–it is of course because your keys decohered into a quantum superposition. Well then, this new quantum cat superposition keychain is just for you! It has been engineered specifically with new quantum resistant material so that it is 100 times less likely to go into a quantum superposition than ordinary materials (we are not serious). Available in several styles.

Schrodinger Cat Hat by theQMP* Attending a conference on quantum theory? Or, perhaps you sense your MAGA hat is going out of style? Then this quantum cat superposition hat is ideal for you. And you can combine this hat with our personalized Schrodinger cat golf ball. Available in several sizes, colors, and styles.

Schrodinger Cat Titliest Pro 3-pack Golf Balls by theQMP* Having a problem with your golf swing whereby on occasion you’re certain that your swing was perfect but because of some unphysical reason the ball hooked into the rough? After years of Golf Ball quantum research, we have found that you were right; we’ve determined it is because occasionally the ball takes some unlikely quantum trajectory because of the noise inherent in quantum spontaneous localization theory. You’ll be happy to know, we fixed this problem with the newly engineered Schrodinger Quantum Cat golf ball. Simply tee-up this ball and take a swing. The ball will of course initially go into a Quantum Superposition of different trajectories. It then projects out the bad trajectories so it lands right in the middle of the fairway. The only catch is to make sure neither you nor any of your golfing buddies looks at the golf ball until after it lands (we are not serious). Also makes a great gift.
*Image used under license from Shutterstock.com.